Settings Menu:
Individual Options for each Setting ~ I.E: Lighting Quality: Low, Medium, High, Ultra
The presets will still be there, And you'll need to click the 'advanced' button to see the Individual Options.
Added a Brightness Slider 1 - 2,
1 being Default
All maps will now have Ambience, and/or Background music
Revamped Animatronic Footstep Sound effect
Player Footstep sound effect 50% Volume Decrease
Replaced Pickup Sound effect (because everyone thought it was an Eating Sound 😂 as cool as it sounds, I didn't add Chocolate FazCoins)
Slightly reworked Objective UI, When it gets Smaller, it'll now Slowly Fade Out Completely
It now has a Custom Font Out
Since you read the whole way down..just know I plan on releasing some Act 2 Teasers Fairly Soon...
See you then.