1 year ago

Mother Encore (Demo)

The mother encore demo was announced by mother forever and is available on windows, mac, linux and it is possible to make a version for android, nintendo switch and many more.

(as it says here )

[English / Spanish]


Official website: Mother Encore (Demo)

You should check out people's other projects and give them a chance to do some of their great work. . . And apparently the evengo announced something from fangamer.




Next up

"Grandpa semi, Semi Serif"

I plan to add the grandfather of sans and papyrus to the future remaster.

TR!Frisk - My frisk of the comic TWIN RUNES

People! you should try the fangame and the mod OUTERTALE and RED AND YELLOW.

But in other languages .

Met a boy named Ninten today. Seemed cool. #CatsRuleEverythingAroundMe

Newsletter & GameMaker LTS - Tomorrow?! - [English/Spanish]

say hi to porky 😈

Newsletter 2024 - ¡coming soon!

Loading screen - Thanks @the0Q9232

(I changed it a little to make it look like the original 👀...)

My copy of Mother 3 really must be on the fritz or somethin.

Anuncio de Angel's Lullaby 2024 - [Spanish / Español]