My Drug Cartel is a Drug Plantation Management Game coming soon on Steam. Wishlist it here:
Next up
My Drug Cartel is a drug plantation management colony sim I've been working on for the past year. You can Now Back the game on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/962856882/my-drug-cartel?re…
City Life Simulator Devlog 9# - Barbershop, Crafting, Cooking #rpg #city #pixelart
The Knightling Community Pack Has Arrived!
Get it in the Shop and complete the quest "Send Your Fellow Jolters' Masks on a Quest" to get a trophy!
Learn more 🔽
Plans for Elimination City/Citizen Life in 2024
Wanna win 1,000 Joltbux? 💸
We extended the quest to wishlist INAYAH - Life After Gods on Steam and giving you more chances to win! https://bit.ly/inayahjoltbuxgiveaway
You have until March 3rd. We'll pick a winner each day the quest is active! 🤯
My Drug Cartel Devlog #1 - Worker NPCs, Zoning, NPC vs NPC Combat, Research #pixelart #simulation #management
GameMaker Studio 2 Update 2023.1 is out! https://gamemaker.io/de/blog/version-2023-dot-1-easy-collisions-…
Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!
The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game: https://bit.ly/playwarthundergj
Thank you to everyone who entered!
Some screenshots again after a while. The (very delayed) Devlog will come soon after I've finished the rest of the AI stuff.