3 years ago
my idea of what bob and ron and baby man can look like in the upcoming bob's trick or treat update
Next up
pizza tower 1.5 teaser real no fake
"why are so so scared its just a train!" "oh OH SHI-
happy new year 2023 is now here take this as the first day of a new start!
(here is a little game concept I d痰蜐蛣蜖坦台台e谈虓虗虘虠胎f痰虉滩踏i谭虊虗碳n谈虛太坍i谈虗蜋虨滩t谭虆抬虩滩e潭蛣虛蛯蜋l谈虉坦y谭虂蜖虙胎毯 痰蛺 came up with)
day 3
Guys chill out
day 2
I might be dead here but im still alive in the real life