2 years ago

My thoughts/vent

Hey guys Aidan here....

So ima be real here I feel like since the drama with me and angelku happen I feel like I wanted to hang myself cus mainly people kept harassing me telling me to leave the internet but today people just dislike when I'm trying to move on.

Yes this has happened 4 years ago but like if I'm just hated cus I was a creep well idc anymore you guys are just not taking a thought that even what I did was fucked up and I was trying to apologize for the bs I did doesn't apply to just you know hate me for drama for years now.

For example I was banned from the Jolly server for the Drama when that was years ago which by the way I do deserve but to be honest i was trying to apologize and no one cared no one doesn't even care for who I am anyways.

And look yes I have fetishes but to be honest in a server I was accused for doxxing when to be fair here I would never do that shit we all know I can't do that but what was worse when this happened when I was 16...they say I was 13 and said that was my danm age but in my opinion I have Mentioned that I have Autistim, ADHD, and Bipolar to you guys and as you guys may know I was accused for doxxing because I just said their username from a site that btw NEVER HAD THEIR IRL INFO... but imo idc anymore they are just dumb people who don't know wtf doxxing is and btw I was mad and depressed for being accused because I would not do that cus I know that's illegal.

Another thing is that yeh I'm immature and i draw werid art but tbh all I see in this community is just hate hell people hated SECUIRTY BREACH and Steel Wool for being part of FNAF when NGL fnaf was always like that tbh here I know I did shit but all of you NEED to understand to NOT RUSH because making a game takes time.....like FNAF SB could of have what we wanted till people started rushing them now I understand if it was delayed to 2023 I think it could of been better but no I think Steel Wool wanted to release it in 2021 or another theory is Sony owners of playstation forced them to release it which yeah I could understand that but rushing or forcing them to release a game can make it buggy and what not so please if your reading this DO NOT RUSH.

Another thing I wanna vent about is that as a artist my self I feel like no one likes what I draw nor what I try to make by the way I cry every night thinking IM NOT GOOD ENOUGH to everyone yes I know I did bad shit but all I want is to try entertaining people on what me and my team bring....I know life is hard but me as a 18 year old with mental issues and even depression really sucks mainly dealing with a family that's not even getting any money atm....like yeah I understand if you want to be mad at me but I am just done holding this in my danm chest cus I want to let you all know I LOVE YOUR GUYS SUPPORT even if I get not as much I APPRECIATE IT....

Now look I'm sorry for my vent and what I said please do not hate me nor attack me so please have a good day and a awesome night.


Director of Bailey's



Next up

Is that Bailey? And why is he so viciou 👀?

Epic News

Just a fanmade logo for FREDDY'S DECEPTION

by @Lysander_Dev and @ThingyMajig



Rat Race Production Update

Breaking New for Freddy's Deception

We are cooking in here yal 👀.

Every animatronic model will be redesigned and textured by Gin.


"When did their eyes started glowing like this?"

Teaser by: GIN

(More teasers to come soon.)