New download and quickplay demos, demonstrating Auto-roofs for specific walls, stairs and doors.
Locked doors haven’t been coded yet, but a lot of this update involves me cleaning up some of the code, condensing, un-redundantizing and so on. Shaved of 200 lines of code! And hopefully fixed some things.
However I have hit some snags, my plaster walls seem determined to keep show diagonal gray lines when far away, despite me darkening them in hopes it would be corrected. Currently the only way to solve this is to boost the resolution to 640x480 or higher. Due to Evaldraw’s mipmapping, this is why the distortion happens and I have no control over it, sadly.
Aside from that, some more work has been done to the map maker, but now its coming close to creating a more functional and usable GUI for it. Number entry is fun for only so long before it starts getting confusing, espicially when placing stairs and setting destinations.