Our greatest creations have become our greatest nightmares.
-unknown soldier during the Purge Wars
What's up, gamers. This is Predator Games and welcome back to the fifth weekly Void's Wrath update. In today's update I will be telling you about two new projects, including Void's Wrath Chapter 2, and some other important stuff. So let's get started!
Tip of the Day: the final boss in Void's Wrath is definitely the most challenging! A giant boss that attacks you while enemies spawn around you? Yikes! The main tip is that you don't actualy have to kill the boss to beat the game! All you need to do is destroy all the waves of enemies, so you can try to avoid the boss you can. But if you still want to kill the boss, here's how:
The hardest part of killing the boss is getting up to jump on its head, because its so big! There are a few ways to get up there. One of the easiest is letting him hit you. You'll fly up in the air and you can jump on his head from there, but you'll pay some health to do that. Otherwise, you can jump on the railing surrounding the arena or jump on the floating platforms to get close. Good luck killing the Remnant, guys!

First I will discuss Void's Wrath Chapter 2. I started working on it a few days ago and progress is going along smoothly. I think that I'll have a pre-Alpha release out sooner than I anticipated, and I have decided to post the second chapter as a separate game page, just to make things smoother for you guys. Here's the first screeshot of the second chapter of Voids Wrath.

Now for an update on my secret project. The name will be released soon, and the hub area is almost completed. I'm going to soon begin work on other explorable areas, and I have some exciting ideas I think you guys will enjoy exploring when the game is released for testing. I don't have a release date yet for any of these two projects, but I'll keep you updated as development continues. Here's two more screenshots of the project.

Void's Wrath Chapter 1 is almost ready for Completed/Stable release. I'll probably upload one more version before that, however. This won't fix any bugs, just improve the game slightly. The full release of Void's Wrath will give a name to the chapter, but I haven't figures out that name yet. Comment if you have any ideas!
Just remember to check the official blog for additional information, especially regarding my upcoming games. Also, I'll be posting information and sneak peeks of my games that you won't see on Game Jolt. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read this Void's Wrath newsletter, and see you in the next one, guys.
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