Castlevania: Holy Fires

5 years ago

New monster reveal! She-worms (or just Worms) are excellent climbers. They use this ability to slither their way up the Clocktower. Watch out when you hit them though, they switch to their attack form if you do...



Next up

Mancers Memos nr. 4 - The Key (Rooms) to Adventure

Kindle got his first subweapon! The Fireblasts may not have the same range as his throwing-scythes do, but they pack a way bigger punch!

HF Update! This week, we added some sub-weapons for Christopher! The Axe is great for hitting flying enemies or those who are higher up. The Holy Water can be thrown on the floor to create a flame ahead of you. Great for setting up traps!

Here's Kindle's second sub-weapon!

With these Summonable Platforms, Kindle is able to reach places Christopher can't with ease!

Castlevania: Holy Fires Version 1.1.0 is now live!

Check out the article below to see what's new in this update!

Check our page for the download!

Two Holy Fires posts in one week? You bet!

A few weeks ago we showed a first look at the boss' arena for level 3. Here it is in it's finished form!

Also, check out that grey demon in the sky. It's Gobanz (or Death Bat), the original boss of level 3!

Castlevania: Holy Fires Version 2.0.0: Casual Mode is now live!

Check out the article below to see what's new in this update!

Check our page for the download!

Holy Fires Update! This week, another part of the Clocktower, we're showing off the new gears! These mechanical wonders will make for challenging platforming puzzles! Watch 'em spin!

Here's a quick look at the enemies you'll encounter in the first dungeon of Mancers; the Gobster Hideout. This place will be filled with magically enhanced Goblin Mobsters such as this one!

For this years Global Game Jam, we've made a short horror game based on the theme Lost and Found!

In GOAT, your objectives are simple: 1. Make your way down the mountain. 2. Don't get lost. 3. Don't get found.

Download it here: