Getting into making Procedurally Generated content,
The Forest is just a couple (~10) models, but they're randomly spawned in with various sizes & rotations.
the density of the forest areas will be pretty heavily toned down (for performance reasons) but i'm really liking how it's looking currently.
Oh and...don't mind the title.
Next up
ACT 2 • 2 NIGHT DEMO OUT NOW! Runtime: Around an Hour
New Name + Logo!
The original Act 1 Main Menu, scrapped due to animation issues... and for being really generic lol (Made ~ 1/19/2024)
Let the fun begin. The game is coming along well, got the first few gameplay sections done, And the majority of it optimized. should be ready in time for the demo!
W.I.P Yeah... been awhile since I posted about the upcoming update, Burnt myself out with aftermath (Because I put over 600H into Act 2the last 2/3 months of development, lol) so I've just been working on it every once in a while
(Forgot to post this) A little pointless can now press 1-9 to change Cameras as well as the regular Monitor. Added this for quickly changing between Cams 6, 7 or 8, and the Breaker Cam. Also a look at the Daycare Attendants 'Attack' Animation.
Night 3 • "You'll have to make your way through the Forest, And find the Emergency tunnel system Directly North of your location. There's an exit not too far from the PizzaPlex, You should find the Gas Station to the Left of the exit. Meet me there."
Here's one of the 13 (Active) animatronics that'll be present in the game. More details next Week! [ ACT 3 ]
Here's a pretty old (and bad) scrapped Act 2 scene I found. Originally, I planned on doing a Nightmare or Dream sequence each night (Similar to Night 3) But since this is in the Night Zero folder...guessing I made this as an intro? lol (Made 9/24/2024)