Lots of small changes this time! Let’s see what’s changed since the last update…
We have a new redesigned Class Selection window together with a handful of new weapons for both Guards and Thieves.

You might have noticed a new class: we started testing the medic! The medic class will be equipped with a Syringe (melee) and a Syringe gun (ranged) to cure his teammates…or enemies if you shoot the wrong person :D
Please note: the Medic class is still in development and will be available only to future premium accounts.

Another big change is the addition of “closed windows”: it’s winter and it’s better to keep them closed! This means that thieves have to break them before enter, causing noise and alerting nearby guards. In Zombie Rush mode the windows are also reinforced with wooden barricades to keep zombies out of the buildings and help surivors to…ahem…survive ;-)

Closed window waiting to be smashed We have also some minor changes, here’s the full changelog:
Windows are now closed. Thieves have to break the glass before enter
Zombies have to break the barricade before enter
Added score in GaT gamemode
Big rebalance of all classes and weapons
Better weapon sounds
New weapons
Redesign of the class selection window
Bug fix: flashlight sometimes not turning on