Hi guys! Update 62.0 is available from September 3!

Here’s the complete changelog for 62.0 update:
New gamemode: Capture the Flag (CTF)
New gamemode: Instagib Capture the Flag (igCTF)
Runner and Heavy zombie classes REMAKE
New Zombie classes: Tank, Acid, Smoke
Zombie ability: Acid Spit, Smoke Bomb, Throwable Rock
New Guard class: Carrier
New Thief class: Saboteur
New Primary Weapon: XN8 automatic rifle, NP5 Kompact SD
New Gadget: Incendiary grenade, Molotov
Capture the flag (CTF)

In this mode, there are two teams (Blue and Red). There is a time limit of 5 minutes at the end of which the team with most points is the winner. Each team have to defend their own Flag and must steal the enemy Flag to make points. If at the end of the 5 minutes teams have the same score, the game will switch to “golden flag” phase: during this phase the first team to score a point wins the game.
Instagib Capture the flag (igCTF) igCTF rules are the identical to the normal CTF mode, the differences are the presence of the same class for both teams and daylight illumination. * For more details, see the information about instagib (IG) gamemode.
Tips about CTF and igCTF - Remember, every time your Flag is stolen, the opposing team scores one point.
If the Flag Carrier is killed, the flag falls to the ground and can be picked up again within 15 seconds, if no one picks it up will return automatically to the respective base.
You can not collect your own flag from the ground but you have to protect it until it respawns automatically to your base.
Think about what you are doing, rushing the enemy base will result in a easy enemy flag capture, but leaving your own flag unprotected is very risky.
Try to intercept the flag carrying enemy before he reaches the capture point.
New Zombie classes and Abilities!

Tank Health: 100 - Base max speed: 4

Primary attack

Secondary attack Acid Health: 50 - Base max speed: 4.4

Primary attack

Secondary attack

Acid spit in action! Smoker Health: 65 - Base max speed: 4.6

Primary attack

Secondary attack Carrier and Saboteur

The Carrier (Guard) and the Saboteur (Thief) are two new classes with an ibrid Support/Assault role. They are equipped with two new main weapons, the XN8 automatic rifle and the NP5 Kompact SD submachinegun.
Here the stats for the respective classes:
Carrier Health: 74 - Base max speed: 4.4

Primary weapon

Secondary weapon

Gadget Saboteur Health: 70 - Base max speed: 4.5

Primary weapon

Secondary weapon

Gadget Incendiary Grenade and Molotov

Incendiary Grenade and Molotov are very useful gadget, use them to slow down your enemies and to block crucial ways in the most appropriate moment.
What’s next? Are you ready?
Experimental Camera offset system
Improved weapon hit detection and better particle system (multiple hit particle rendering, blood splat particle system)
Weapon Muzzleflare
Weapon chellchasing
New Gadgets and Ability
New Zombie classes
General Rebalance and Fix
General improvements
A new gamemode
Huge gamemode spoilers with screenshots, concept art and explanation about new game mechanics.