I have some news to share:
Off-Peak on Steam, at last
The Steam version of Off-Peak! includes graphical updates and a few easter eggs. Why not spread the word over on Steam? I’ll have the Steam build ready for other clients as well, in due time.
The Norwood Suite Logo
Below is the official logo for the Norwood Suite, made by longtime-collaborator Calvin Ho!. Enjoy and feel free to share:
Fantastic Arcade Talk
In September 2016 I gave a talk for Fantastic Arcade, an excellent independent games festival in Austin, alongside one of the lead designers of Diary of a Spaceport Janitor! and the team behind Little Bug!. My portion of the talk comes in ~30 minutes in. I talk about the influences and techniques involved making both Off-Peak and Norwood Suite, walking viewers through both those games for a bit.
Scan ~30-40 minutes to jump to my part of the talk
Jeremy Soule Talk on the Ontological Geek Podcast
I also recently hopped back on the Ontological Geek podcast! talking up virtues of Jeremy Soule’s music, alongside host Oskar Strik and Adam Hay, who did sound design on Everyone’s Gone to the Rapture. A lively conversation with some cool deep cuts.
I think that’s it for the moment.
Feel free to reach out at cosmod - at - cosmod.net or follow the progress of Norwood Suite at @cosmoddd ! or cosmod.net!.
Til later,
-cosmo d