(Under construction) Five Nights At Slenderman's: The Re-Arrival
20 days ago

Oh and there will be a demo for this game. It only makes sense for that to be the case really



Next up

Working on the title screen some more... is going great... might work on the office a bit too... next preview video soon idkk.....

We are still back

Ermmmm… so how is the game going to play? (Explaining what kind of gameplay you can expect from this remake)

Do any of you have favorite fnaf 4 fake/fanmade teasers / character speculation images? We have a lot of cool / obscure ones in our grasp (way more than shown above), but we could always use more.


We're getting extremely close to being able to show off the office gameplay. Until then, here's a few pictures of the currently under-construction office.

Well, one of them, anyways...

We are so back

Sorry for the silence, the lead programmer has been really sick for these past few days and isnt particularly in a good state to program the vidya game. Don't worry, however, as this is only a mere setback. We'll get back on track soon enough.


Yo, we’re currently gonna try to see if we can spruce up the graphics of the office before we make a gameplay preview. This is a mockup, but here’s what we’re trying to go for. See you then!
