
Comments (7)

What do you think?

holy shit, its the slenderman! and he's cooking hot dogs on the stove!


Oh boy, it's good to see that they want to bring this fangame back. I wanted to do it myself, but I see you'll take care of it.

Good luck and it will be great to see an improved and complete version of the original game.

can i help with the game i don't know how to use gamemaker but i can help with anything if you want.

Original game made by @ElilobosMortal

Link to the original:


The original Five Nights at Slenderman's was a bizarre fnaf fangame. It had an odd environment, it was kind of structured more like a sonic.exe fangame rather than a fnaf fangame, and generally, was just plain.... weird.

It's for those reasons that we at Returning Paradox team ADORE it, though. Every single oddity about that original game was just another layer of compelling added onto it, and we can't stress enough how much we love it.

It never got finished though, so- Well, I think you know where this is going. We're gonna take it upon ourselves finish the game!

This involves the whole nine yards; Improved visuals, new characters, refined gameplay, all while preserving the style and personality within the original.

and yes, we will make you collect his pages. In one way or another, you WILL need to do it. #fnaf


Hello and welcome to the FNASM:R gamepage! Sorry for the clutter as of now, as the game is in the early stages of development.

Sorry for the silence, the lead programmer has been really sick for these past few days and isnt particularly in a good state to program the vidya game. Don't worry, however, as this is only a mere setback. We'll get back on track soon enough.


Yo, we’re currently gonna try to see if we can spruce up the graphics of the office before we make a gameplay preview. This is a mockup, but here’s what we’re trying to go for. See you then!


We're getting extremely close to being able to show off the office gameplay. Until then, here's a few pictures of the currently under-construction office.

Well, one of them, anyways...


We are still back
