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Looking to redo the Building Menu, since if I redo the Enchanting Menu that means I gotta go back and redo the Equipment Menu I just redid... >:|
I think next I should do the Enchanter UI.
I never really did a proper one, just enough to to test the system out. Probably have to do a rework of that too... dang it X'D
but now? slep
ok gonna sleep
I think I've got the Crafting System UI set up so it will match with how I want the Building System UI. Just need to do that next.
Welp, I ended up working on the Save file system instead I got it updated to work with the Converter Devices update...but getting it to work with the NPC/Player changes is being difficult For some reason it's not applying the values >:/
Edit...wait it is?
[uses temp value 6 to store the data]
ERROR, value cleared by placing Building.
[uses temp value 5 to store the data]
GAME CRASH, value used for valid Building placement indicator.
[uses temp value 4 to store the data]
You now can't confirm Item selection