I'm actually @Lizzy_Zebra
And now you guys are now probably shock and crying right now that I lied to you guys for 9 damn months, I just wanted to say that I'm really really sorry for lying to you guys plus I'm more sorry to @lordx1234 because I made this account say that she loves him then anyone in this world and I realized how fucked up this is and I decided to tell the truth now and I'm deeply sorry for messing with his feelings, I just wanted to make this account for like a 1 year prank but I didn't except Lordx to fall in love so I just didn't wanted to reveal yet but I realized how much I messed up with other people's feelings but lordx please don't k!ll yourself please there's more to life even now you probably hate me really bad so does everyone else and yes that means there is no @Simu_Soul
in real life like i said I'm really sorry for lying you guys all hate me now and I'll probably get rid of both of the accounts i made and not be online for a while bc I'm gonna cry to myself of how much of a liar I am to you guys