Undertale LOST

4 months ago

Ost visualizers in the making??? 👀


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I got a little distracted

This is pretty much the layout for any OST visualizers I make for UT Lost

Ceroba's just there bc I wanted to draw her

I might just need to fix that, or at least make a workaround

Also I got the domain for, but GD is mean and has everything behind a monthly paywall so I'm using instead

Just Give me a bit to make it work, the html somehow managed to fall apart when I closed the site

Might have to fix the static face later, wasn't able to think of a good design for it earlier.

Blehh smthn smthn dsaf

Alright so I need to give you all an update on some things, I would announce this in all of my game devlogs but oh well

Happy Halloween

Oh, wrong holiday? Whoops 💥

To think they actually made the games is both insane and a blessing


I would love to make a full spritesheet sometime later but for now I just have the idle

Mario and Shovel Knight for comparison