It all started with the desire to make a simpler and faster project to warm up, and as a result.. “The deadline is a month ago!”, “Pasta! Nuthouse! Blackjack, Demonic illness and Maids!” “A combat system, our own Alternative Universe, all this with an Undertail twist, and all this is almost ready!!
Well.. Beta version at least.
It all started on a rather peaceful evening. Drill (our programmer) stumbled into our voice chat and said in a human voice: Guys, I created another shit!
And he hands our group a game inspired by undertale combat. In other words: custom combat. The guys were happy, played, and then someone blurted out that it wouldn’t take long to start their own undertale, and so it began. From a small demo game inspired by undertale, and then we jumped into development with two feet, because the project was planned to be small, simple, and a warm-up.
It turned out, of course, as usual.
And then vanity! Mechanics! Concepts! Plot! Another missed deadline! And all of this, of course, was fun and crazy.