Speaking of fighting! Fight system! Its creation is a completely different story. Somehow a stalker comes into the zone... Hmm, not that kind of joke. Once Drill, Seraphim and Sova were sitting in a voice chat. And they decided that they needed to work on the fight system. There were so many ideas! From tower defense to leaving only special dialogues, but in the end everything came to a system of cells, labyrinths, skill and attempts at balance. It all works quite simply: There is a maze, there is us, our task is to follow the path with the largest number of cells and collect them. The more you collect, the more damage.
But it sounds simple, doesn't it? And so illness came into play. Its strength increases with each attack, and the disease gives you buffs, however... Yes, it will kill you if there is too much of it. Therefore, sometimes it is better to go not along the path where there is more attack, but along the path where there are healing cells (although who said that they will always only be where there is less attack :^) Now just imagine how in such a system you can mix tens of cells with different effects! Ideally, the combat will resemble Sekiro :D
Do you have any new ideas for this type of fighting? Write us! >:3