Equestria Stories: Soul and Shadow (Crystal Warfare)

11 months ago

Patch 0.3.22|0.3.23 (lazy edition x2, meow)

Patch 0.3.22:

  • Fixed game crash due to missing files in Canterlot (prologue finale);

  • Fixed a bug in the final game, when after defeating a boss the game would not continue in Twilight's house (solved by saving and loading the game);

Patch 0.3.23:

  • Fixed a game crash related to the execution of a script command (when talking to Princess Amore in the prologue) that was removed from the game;

  • The game will no longer crash when trying to display toast "Received image "Cleverok's Birthday" (and the whole problem is because of the quote...);

  • Fixed a bug during the "Coronation" scene in the Prologue, causing the game to freeze after Knights Smoke and Matilda went off-screen; (0.3.23);

  • Fixed the passability of two doors on the Canterlot Barracks location, located on the second floor of several buildings of buildings;

  • Fixed a bug where it was impossible to exit to the Settings Room due to a switch that should only be enabled in roguelike dungeons (secret locations);

  • Fixed a bug where lockpicks in the "Lockpicks" minigame would not break (for some reason the switch responsible for breaking them would not automatically turn on);

  • Fixed a bug where the screen would not show after the "timberwolf attack" scene in the crystal cave;

  • Others fixes;

    At least it should be fixed. But as usual, I'm the only one who needs it.

There's a 0.3.3 update ahead with more fixes and innovations.

There will also be a description of the secrets and how to find them (by demand).



Next up

V3.2 "Feline Stability" is available for download

Dev. News v3.3 "Feline im-balance 59"

Work in progress (slow). . . Queen Olga I Alnilam / / and / / Eidolon

Patch 0.3.21 (lazy edition, meow)

Мяу. Процесс портирования идёт. Умираааааааююююю....

The porting process is underway. I'm dyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiing.

Screenshots + small patch for 0.3.3 Скриншоты + небольшой патч для 0.3.3

Screens taken during development | Скриншоты разработки

Creative crisis or I'm sick of the same thing over and over again.

In the process of porting to a new game engine... Chapter Two looms on the horizon.

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