This is just a post about me whining about something no one gives a shit about. So I'll get to the main point.
First, I'm tired of doing the same thing over and over again, and why? Because bugs appear, but of course no one reports them, and I can't check everything, because to check ALL possible holes - it takes at least 10 HOURS of REAL TIME, especially considering that it's in a language that is NOT MY Native language.
Secondly. I'm doing this all by myself. Yes, there are a lot of sketches and ideas, but do you think it's an easy thing to implement given the many problems with the engine itself? And I still use a lot of scripting commands to simplify the work.
Thirdly, several years of development have given me that I may say I have lost all interest in developing this game. I lost a lot of things during these couple of years - a favorite girl, resistance to ennui.... But instead I gained a lot of friends who are dear to me, and who, in general, do not let me give up in my hobby, which is the development of the game on the RPG Maker engine. But to do the same thing all the time... Not everyone can.
I will not say that I will completely abandon CW. But I'm definitely not going back to it anytime soon. Maybe even I will completely re-do everything that is available now. I'm so sick of seeing the same thing over and over again, tedious and.... Annoying, and it's not at all what I want to see in the final result. It's also annoying that RPG Maker is very limiting to what I can do. Vx Ace is outdated and has so many problems, including optimization. AND MZ... MZ just got hung up on plugins, which are not a problem to write, but require for some pieces of code to pay more than for the game engine itself (it costs 60 dollars, when translated to my currency it is at least 3000, and for almost every plugin I need, I have to give at least 1000, even if it ends up being not what I need or conflicting, and you can not get the money back).
About other game engines can not even mention. It's not about price or "complexity", it's about what I need. Of all of them, only RPG Maker is the best fit for my ideas.
So that's it. Equestria Stories: Crystal Warfare or Soul&Shadow goes on the shelf as my most unsuccessful and most unnecessary project of all that I did.
Next up
Screenshots + small patch for 0.3.3 Скриншоты + небольшой патч для 0.3.3
Tribute to ...
Patch 0.3.22|0.3.23 (lazy edition x2, meow)
Patch 0.3.21 (lazy edition, meow)
Dev. News v3.3 "Feline im-balance 59"
Мяу. Процесс портирования идёт. Умираааааааююююю....
The porting process is underway. I'm dyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiing.
Work in progress (slow). . . Queen Olga I Alnilam / / and / / Eidolon
V3.2 "Feline Stability" is available for download
Screens taken during development | Скриншоты разработки
In the process of porting to a new game engine... Chapter Two looms on the horizon.