Changes in both releases:
the lasers for the Boss Drain bytes now properly appear during boss fights, specifically only being an issue if you were using duplicate bytes
fixed Mangle's secondary attack always being Poppers even if you changed it
disabling the "flashhit" option also removes the lightning background in Animdude's battle
characters are slightly easier to find if there's 5 or less to still encounter
fixed the stump barrier into Choppy's Woods being completely transparent
A Nuzlocke Mode toggle if you choose the "CUSTOM" difficulty in file select. Your save slot being red instead of purple signifies that it's a Nuzlocke run.
The text in Character Select that screams at you if you don't have 8 characters selected, now won't say you need 8 characters if you're in Limited Party—saying you just need one character to continue.
An ability to toggle the Fan/Pearl in the Byte menu if you have them unlocked
Android 1.01
You can now exit the clock ending without having to close the game
a Quit button now appears on the title screen after a few seconds
In Freddy in Space, Freddy will now always jump at full height instead of the height being based on how long you hold the jump button. I cannot fix the bug where you can't jump while you're walking, because multitouch is not supported. Sucks, but it iz what it iz
PC 1.12
You can now press Escape to leave an ending at any time (returns to the main menu instead of closing the game), or click your mouse after the cutscene is over.
Pressing Escape in an Update 2 minigame now sends you to Halloween Land.