Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's
2 years ago

Preview of new subtitles system for update 1.6.



Next up

After releasing SMW: The 4 Magic Wands, I've started working on another SMW ROM hack - Super Mario World: Adventure in Forest Land

SMWC thread for the hack: https://smwc.me/t/129372 (More screenshots are available there)

Update 1.7.2

I've released my new SMW hack, Super Mario World: The 4 Magic Wands yesterday, for SMW Central's C3 event that started yesterday.

Here's the release thread: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=viewthread&t=129248, and here's the hack's page: https://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=39208

Her heartbeat plays with her song.

Marionette model by @Mortuus , more to come soon

Update 1.0.1 is out! (Old Port Style Android version only)

Update 1.8 + MFA Release

Today is the 2nd anniversary of the first Five Nights at Bootleg Plush's game (and also the series)!

Here's a new poster with all the characters from the released games (and also Phantom Freddy and Phantom Chica).

Something will be released today.

lighting tests (from when the head wasnt finished btw)


Super Mario World.


Tails and Luigi.