Hello! First, I would love to thank everyone for all their support of this game. It means a lot that I can entertain people with this. I began production on this game by simply wanting to have my favorite anime characters fighting each other. Through time, it seems others like what I have put together.
If you didn’t know, I haven’t been able to make anymore of the game due to my laptop breaking. However, I finally got a new laptop. This means that the production on the official game can begin. Finally, I need your support!
It is up to you what the price of this game is going to be. If this game can reach about 300 followers, I’ll release the final game FOR FREE! How cool is that?! Consequently, if I don’t get that amount of followers for the game, the final game will cost $5.00
It is up to you! Spread the demo around so I can get more followers for the game and release it for free! I love you guys! May the anime fandom commence!