Hey everyone, it has been a while since the last progress update on the game page, but we have done a lot of work the past few months in regards to Trost:
First off we focused on populating the area more, as well as adding some initial draft textures:

After this, we worked on updating the art style to a more realistic/stylized look, similar to the anime. First was the roofs:

Next, our focus was on the walls:

After this, we put some focus on the more unique buildings such as the HQ, and the Bar:

Overall we are fairly close to finishing Trost, and our plan is to try and finish the map by December:

We also did some experimentation with fake Interiors, as well as experimenting on creating an updated forest that is more close to the anime:

I apologize for how long this Update is taking, as it has been over a year and a half since Update 1, however, I am determined to finish this game with all 3 updates and give you all the best VR experience of Attack on Titan.
If you want to be more up-to-date on the latest teasers, make sure to join the discord server: https://discord.gg/wACkurf