Sunky the PC PORT

6 months ago

Progress Report - 9.22.2024

183 days (6 months) since last Progress Report?

Anyways. hello there fellows. JACY again with another essay about development...

I decide to write another report so you can get curious on how development is going.

I'm going to talk about how development went, and just showing what we got so far. Nothing interesting, but just read my words. Enjoy.


So, about development. It's going well, even though some of my team members lose interests in SUNKY. I'm not going to kick them out because they're important to the team or just my friends. I care about them.

JADE is kind of right about interests. It's kind of unfair getting into SUNKY fully. ZAK is currently helping despite I was just expecting other team members to be interested in the project.

The project is just for fun, but I wanted to be motivated more to get it done or so. I don't like rushing to be honest. Don't feel like canceling it though.

They have their own opinion on something, I get it.



Finally, some real progress on the game, yay...

(*insert John Egbert dancing)


It's been a while since I showed you progress on the new engine. I'm only going to show you the non-spoiler ones. Don't peek or I'm coming for you...

Egg has been programming more than usual, well not that much but let's just say it.

(PLS NOTE: The GIF's you see here are WORK IN PROGRESS. It will be different when full release.)


actually arent that much

just swipin background with code



(JACY COMMENTARY: Ignore lack of tiles pretty please...)



(JACY COMMENTARY: JADE asked me to add a transparent fire foreground to PATTYCAKE. ME and EGG are figuring out how to add a fade without the foreground being over it. He already figured it out anyways, nevermind...)


Well, like I said in my commentary, Egg is done with the fire foreground and the fade (black screen) being over the foreground (bug). He's currently working on the flower, It's simple. When you get close to the flower, it's eye opens. When leaving, the eye closes back.

I was thinking of making TLELS have a proper moveset (RUNNING, JUMPING, ATTACKING, ETC.) when a boss fight or major segments of the game. I should probably make a sunkified version of that 2017 X chase game to test out that this in the future...

Look at him go.


SUNKY receiving government funding to make a joke game about the X BELLY SONIC EVIL GUY that has a lot of budget, Wowie.



Since SUNKY THE PC PORT was now based on the original PC PORT by JoeDoughBoi, I was slowly thinking of ELIS/CREM having a different appearance. No more of that TEATIME thing...

We aren't saying that we're removing ELIS, it's just that we don't know what to do with the character after we switch the material.

Similar to the original PC PORT, Cream would talk about waiting for RENE/LUIGIKID. I haven't thought of a sunkified version of that scene because the level takes place in a factory.

We were planning on revamping the factory level. It's still a FACTORY, duh. But when the level progresses, these things... yeah, I don't know how to word it out. It's just like in the original.




...That was short. At least this report surprises you after all. You see the improvement, right?


I'm getting better at understanding SUNKY more, or some of it because new interests make my brain forget the images of SUNKY and LOONEY's artstyle guide back in 2015-2017.

My goal is to watch old cartoons (Ren and Stimpy, Looney Tunes, etc.) trying to understand how SUNKY'S humor work. Plus, rewatch Nexus' LET'S READ HOMESTUCK series. I'm too lazy to read the actual HOMESTUCK webcomic.

My 2nd goal will be to try practicing SUNKY'S / LOONEYDUDE'S ARTSTYLE more than ever. I mean, ZAK said I'm getting there. Again, I'm just practicing so, I almost got it after all. I wish I have more motivation, but for now, just say when I'm ready or feel like it. I'll do a casting call with Tlels later, not now. I need time on other stuff. But if you want to do it right now, go ahead.

Thank you for reading, have a nice day. (*insert old doodle here)


. Jacy

1 comment


Next up

I feel a celebration coming on.


New Mr. P4 palette. Just want it to be close to the Sunky from "The Truth" video.


watcH OuT

Cold so cold

An Update.

work in progress reference sheet for me. im no longer a toad person anymore

Dont trust in a faker

Right? :)

will be real... (coming soon)