Hello everyone!
We've made quite some progress lately and we're eager to share it with all of you!
The script for chapter 1 is very close to being finished! We're still adding some details to it, but the dialogue for most of the cutscenes is already in a finished state!
Not only that, but the new engine our lead programmer Purrsum was working on is ready. This means we can start implementing most of the script right now!
We also have a new addition to the team: say hello to Fatcat, our new programmer! We decided that it would make sense to get an additional programmer to help us implement things into the game faster, so as soon him and Trashcat (our other programmer) get to learn the new engine, we'll have three programmers working on implementing chapter 1!
So yeah, there's been lots of progress lately and I can tell we'll be a bit busy in the next couple months!
If you'd like to ask us any questions, make sure to join us on discord!
See you next time!