Sorry for the lack of updates for the past week. I’ve been busy with exams and some problems I’ve run into with the game but I hope you like the new changes and improvements to the game!
New Additions:
Improved movement system
Added leaning with Q and E
Changed the interact button from E to F
Added a boat back to Wolfpine Island from Avalanche Island
Slight enemy AI improvements
Added sliding (hold C while walking or running)
Added crouching with C
Slight optimization improvements
Added different music for Avalanche Island
Enabled customization dialogue when opening the game to change graphics levels (Potato, Low, Medium, High, Ultra)
Bug Fixes:
Fixed the player being rotated weirdly when entering houses or different areas
Fixed sounds so walking on grass sounds different than on stone.
Fixed mouse lock when tabbing out
Planned Additions for the Future:
Improved Enemy AI
Story, Quests, and Dialogue
Inventory System
Loading screen when starting the game
Saving / Loading system
More islands
Better Optimization
Interior for houses in towns
Known Issues:
Enemies avoid walking through bushes
Sliding does not have it’s own sound yet
crouching makes the camera move down too low
The mouse is sometimes visible when you tab into the window
The mouse does not unlock after death

If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, Let us know about it in the comments :)