Sixty-Three Fires of Lung

7 years ago

Project resumed

Well, the project is being resumed, at least for now… The past weeks I was working on other things, and they are beginning to take shape although there is still a lot to do on that department, I’m afraid. For now I want to keep my focus on this game once more. The Caves of Starrow are almost finished and then I can put my mind on the next dungeon, I guess….

Now Yariv Livay, aka Fernando, let me in as alpha tester to the gjpush tool, which allows me to make uploads programmatically, and on the longer run this can be good news for alpha testers. For the weeks alpha testers will still be dependent on my secret page on, because to make dowloading from Game Jolt possible I must pull this project out of the “DevLog Only” status, and I only want to do that once the playable demo is either released or about to be released and there is still too much to do before that can happen (I already proposed a solution for this on gj-improve about that), but once the demo is out, alpha testers will be able to get the latest alpha version all the time from Game Jolt, and if you have the client installed, then yeah, updates should then be installed on your computer as soon as they arrive.

Now some people were The Godfather to me, I suppose. They made me an offer I can’t refuse. This offer can slow down this project too, I’m afraid, but don’t worry, I’m used to such “setbacks” when it comes to game creation, and I didn’t want to rush this anyway. I hope I can show some more content soon ;)



Next up

A #phrase of #wisdom from the French scientist and philosopher #BlaisePascal Two stories, the one tied to this game (new version), and a prequel novel based on this game have this quote. Perhaps you understand why....

Anna's Temple

Current situation on TFT REVAMPED

Why do people wanna be a #moderator? Is it really such a #cooljob?

Game redo on Cynthia Johnson

Weekly update

BallPlay future

Weekly Update

Killing only brings you so far!

Can you see why this pyramid deal could never be solved from the start (regardless what the already removed cards are)?