3 Nights with the Sketched Ones (a.k.a. no ******* way, koob is making a fnaf fangame that isn't top down. holy **** that's (not) impressive)

7 months ago

Quick 'lil update (since this game sure as hell needs it): The jist of all the normal nights is done - mechanics & the foes.

Also, I did a slight touch-up to the office to make it darker - that's on the 1st image.

Goddamnit those Ronald McDonald gifs are funny



Next up

the big boi

le funi title drop (granted, I've revealed it under one of my videos, but... Who cares, I reveal it anyway because I said so. Also I might rename the page to it today)

Devvy Update: Poster mostly coded. Obviously, honk stuff is to be added. That's a FNaF fangame norm: If you can't honk the poster & make a funny sound, it's immediately D-tier (/j)

Yo look at this shade(ow) under my face, isn't it peak?


(last post for today)

Does anyone ever have these moments in a day where you suddenly remember a user you've been good friends with few years back & want to check up on them, only to find out that they've basically abandoned their internet presence?

My, my, what a bright smile you have. Such things can only make you quite a jolly & friendly fellow to be around, right?

(why yes, I am still working on it, how could you tell?)

Birthday art :>