Untitled Game
4 years ago

Quick update about the development

Hello everyone! today I have a few things to share about the development, the first one is that I have been working on a developer console because, this is a very important thing, with this you guys can do things, and see the log of the game (functions running, errors, warnings and, etc)

Preview of the Developer Console working


the developer console will be public to use during the demos and the beta of the game, after that I'll hide it but it still remains in the game

Another thing I have been working on was reworking the options menu, doing that I'll be able to add more options to it, I have added some new options to disable a few things like the hand's movement, dynamic FOV, and other things!

I have been looking for the accessibility of the game for more people in the future, with that in mind I'll be looking more into it like adding filter options for people with some cases of color blindness, I also added an epilepsy warning when you start the game to make you aware about the lights of the game and a few others things (I'll be looking on what I can do to decrease the flashing lights too).


Sorry for the lack of updates, I have been working on a few other projects, personal things and etc, and I think you guys have seen what I posted on my profile before right? well, we will see...

That's all for today! thank you guys for being patient, I'll look at what more I'll add to this version and look more on what remains to be done before entering the beta.

See you guys soon!



Next up

Changelog 0.7.0

consegui fazer uma coisinha que eu queria fazer a muito tempo funcionar

Changelog 0.11.0 and some warnings

Devlog #3 Some thoughts, New things and changes

In-game options and next steps!

to pensando em retrabalhar como a HUD funciona internamente ao invés de só deixar tudo pre-setado no player, alguem ai que já trabalho com HUD tem alguma dica pra me da?

algumas coisas novas na HUD atualmente

It's finally here! Update 0.17.0

primeira vez que tento fazer animação pra botões na HUD, até que não fico nada mal