Project : LIGHT
5 years ago

QUICK UPDATE : There seems to be a problem with Cache script, which didn't occure to me while testing. Please wait until tommorow before I can fix it. Thank you for understanding.



Next up

January 2022 (+December 2021) -Development Report

Sneak Peek for v1.1!

Guess what

v1.1 is Out!

Finally, after being planned for a while now, Charge Shot has been added!

It becomes available after reaching 2000-2500 Score, and is extremely effective against normal enemies!

Check out the devlog page here:


So, Winter is almost here and so are New Year's Eve and Christmas, so, why not a winter-related stage? Also, ignore the timer, I forgot to remove it.

"Charge shots only stop him for a short while."

Trying out the new title screen for the game. Options will be overhauled, and extras have yet to be made, so they arent functional atm. Also new epic animation for new game transition.

#retro #arcade #newtitle #titlescreen

Luka's Route if David dies looks nice so far

(Yep, it will take place in Green Hill, except there will be different stage than Hide and Seek and perhaps a first boss? :) )