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These are the tiles for the final area, and it's larger than what the first game had. I'll definitely try my best making this final area way better than the first one.
Hey all, long time no post? I've been very busy and have redone the whole engine of Diamond Dolls. I've make their main attack method be rolling, and while it's not much, it's a great gimmick that'll go a long way in a platformer!
These are the main six heroes in Super Saviors. Their names are Lord Viper, Tiger Man, Mr. Stacks, Princess Eclipse, Steel Maiden and Pyro Lariat. They'll have simple powers, and I hope to showcase them soon.
These are the main six villains in Super Saviors. Their names are Mongoose, Gevar The Hunter, Sgt Warhead, Golden Sultan, Centipede and Count Kraldavo. They'll also have simple powers, but won't get as much animation since they're boss battles.
Here's all 12 characters that'll be planned for Erratic Fable, they'll have interesting weaponry along with great subweapons. All of which being Levity Fleet tradition brought over to this new series, and I'll show their moves soon!
These are the six main villains in Erratic Fable. Disaster, Iguana, Toxin, Cluster, Gravel and Basin have great weapons and powers too. They're colorful so they'd stand out from the Levity Fleet bosses, more will come soon.
Another update I haven't shown until now. Here's some tiles that could make it into Diamond Dolls, and they look fully 16 bit. They could make the game look much better than what tiles I had before.
These are the six main heroes in Erratic Fable. Gallant, Hefty, Pounce, Falcon, Slate and Timber have strong weapons and great powers. They only have muted colors just so they'd stand out from the Levity Fleet cast, more will come soon.
Might've taken forever to draw them, but here's the Diamond Doll rogues. The top and middle rows are the eight bosses you'll fight before the final area, and the bottom row are the last five bosses. I hope to make them challenging and rewarding.
Been a fat minute since I last updated this game, but I haven't forgotten it one bit. I finally got a logo made for this game, and it's lit. One that easily fits the cool factor of a superhero fighting game!