oh hey be careful this is a long one...
I've been very quiet about what I've been up too
as a means to hopefully not start working on a project and abruptly canceling them.
I do want to start showing random stuff off again, but I of course don't want to get expectations up and cancel said projects due to motivation issues.
I've been working on this random project since like midway through 2024 and thought, "hey why not show this off and ease my way back into random dev-logs"(Bad idea I know) but it's fun showing random stuffs off instead of hiding in my cave keeping it all too myself
of course I'm not gonna drop random teasers hyping stuff up instead do actual dev-logs with behind the scenes stuff

Unnamed project

This Project, was originally first-person basically just a cod-zombies clone, but due to some technical issues (Mostly animation related) We (@Witches_kat ) decided to turn it into 3rd person, and changing it from just a Cod-zombies clone
I started this project so I could learn multiplayer related stuffs, and man I've learned so much

We're trying to keep it relatively small so we can release it

The player model itself changed so much to save time from complexity she looks nice now, the plan has always been to have character customization, cuz iz cool and this isn't a story game more so just a co-op shooter

I don't really have any mechanics to share yet as there not really solid yet
hmm yup I think that's about it thanks for reading kbye