BattleJuice Alchemist
2 years ago

Recently I have been posting about these shield thingies a lot. Here comes a proper devlog explaining how they actually work and what you can do about them (article below).

Hey folks,

in the last devlog I gave a little sneak peek on a base-building element that's called an illuminant. But before I can explain what it does, I have to get to the main topic of this post: enemy shields. At nighttime, enemies become encapsulated by a protective night shield.


Night shields protect enemies from taking damage once, before they disperse. But while it is still nighttime, they regenerate. The player can disperse night shields with regular attacks...


...or utilize the tower element I was talking about. These illuminants disperse shields, which makes fighting close to your tower a very valid option.


Another very efficient way to deal with night shields are multi step attacks. For example, you can utilize barrels. Your explosive flask disperses the shield and triggers the barrel, which then spawns more flasks that deal damage to the now unprotected enemy.


I still have to do some testing e.g. on how fast night shields regenerate. If you want to have a look yourself in the Steam playtest, I would appreciate to hear your feedback.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend!




Next up

We're currently building new story locations for BattleJuice Alchemist, namely a city called The Well. Check out this piece of concept art by our art director Felix!

Hey there!

While waiting for Act 2 translations, let’s talk about how we actually craft those dialogs: it’s a collaborative effort with some Arcweave magic to bring the story to life in our "monolog-style dialogs." Check out the devlog below:

Here comes more concept art for The Well, the new town we are currently implementing in BattleJuice Alchemist. These are two more tiles of the city, namely the makeshift camp of our protagonist, Juice, and the shop of Stan, the local merchant.

Happy #WIPWednesday!

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Get ready to speculate, because here comes our April 2024 roadmap, packed with mysterious teasers and some less mysterious updates. I hope you enjoy reading and have a great weekend! Article below

Happy #WIPWednesday!

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Unveiling the final wave of concept art for our desert haven, "The Well". 🌵⛲️ The heart of the bustling oasis is the tavern, where tales are spun over hearty fare and refreshing libations.

Our latest devlog/roadmap post is live! We've finished building The Well, our next major story location. Meet Clementine, the gardener, and Stan, the scheming salesman. Unlock Act 2 this August for a new desert biome and exciting quests! Article below

Happy #WIPWednesday!

Are you working on a game?

Making some art?

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Tell us in the comments!

Big news everyone! BattleJuice Alchemist's Early Access now supports 12 languages! The language update also contains a lot of fixes and a bit of secret content, which we will talk about in detail soon. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1384060