Mary's Arcade (Classic)
3 years ago

Reception + bugs & plans

I'd say launch was a huge success! People generally seem to like the game, I didn't need to make a bunch of emergency patches, and there aren't any major bugs.

That being said, I've been made aware of a few issues that I'll be working on:

  1. Some people found a way to name themselves things that the game really shouldn't let them. I haven't checked the code yet, but I'm pretty sure I know why that's happening. Sneak your bugged names in while you still can.

  2. Some people are having issues with fullscreen & windowed mode. The game was designed for 1080p screens but it shouldn't be too hard to patch in compatibility for other resolutions. If you're having trouble with fullscreen, try pressing F4, F11, or maximizing the window.

I'll make an announcement when the patch is out. Should happen sometime in the next week.



Next up

Mary's Arcade v1.0.0 is now public. I hope you enjoy it!

ReAl TiMe!!!

(Cameras now stay active when laptop is lowered to improve continuity)

Service Pack is coming along, I just don't have a lot of new stuff to show right now.

Mary's Dating Simulator!

Mary's Arcade - 3 DAYS UNTIL RELEASE

Update 1.0.1 + Other news

What even goes on in here?

Wilted Rascal

New camera effects on MA classic placeholders.


I am the evil.

Ricocheting algorithm has twice the search radius, twice the angular resolution, and twice the distance to test. Oh, and it runs 12x faster than the one in the last post.