Hello again, everyone! June came around fairly quickly, and I struggled to put a lot out there for this month since I did not know if you were having high expectations from me for this month.
Short Synopsis:
Attacks such as Mics, Cupcakes, and Pizzas are coded into the game with renders.
Enemies’ idles have been added to the fights
Switch Teams are now working
GameJolt Thumbnail for the game is fully animated
Dialogue is currently being worked on w/ the Overworld camera zoomed out
Save Selection has a WIP select screen
The customization menu has been slightly changed with the addition of Team Presets
Long Synopsis:
First, we’ll talk about the fight sequences since most people want more progress on that the most. It looks reasonably good with the added attacks, such as microphones, cupcakes, and pizzas. Cupcakes and Pizzas are randomized; however, the cupcakes come out instantly. Microphones randomize on whichever enemy it picks, but I need to make more code for when there are fewer than four enemies since the enemies do randomize. Woodchop’s and Bouncepot’s idles were added to the game. Massive props to @ChipFunni again since he’s amazing with this stuff. However, the enemies and attacks don’t deal any damage, and no actual math is happening. I’m hoping for next month or August to maybe actually create some math for attacks, heals, etc.
Switch Teams is now available and works as intended! It was difficult to code in, specifically for controllers, and to figure out the issues. Thankfully, I let the game know that when one team is active, the controller can focus on that group and not the other, especially when transitioning. So now a few roadblocks are gone, like randomization and the Cupcakes/Pizzas. However, there is still so much to do for these fight sequences that it’ll take me a long while to figure out, such as rhythm attacks for Bash Jam-type attacks (need to work with some musically talented people), timing attacks (like from Mario RPGs), blocking/parrying, and the super secret thing that I want to work on when the enemies have more code to them. It’s a long, long way to go.
Secondly, I wanted to show off the Dialogue stuff since I just started working on it using Dialogic (a Godot Engine addon). I think it’s working out very nicely and removes so much stress from my shoulders coding in the dialogue. I need to learn how to add my animations into the addon since it’s looking a bit stressful, but I want to make this game feel super special and unique to you guys and me by making any sort of detail something beautiful to admire. Plus, it is still possible for players to walk up to NPCs and talk to them, just like in the video. I will add more details, such as icons to speak to NPCs in the overworld, but this is what I have so far.
Thirdly, we’ve finally finished the GameJolt Thumbnail; if people have been looking at the thumbnail already, I want to hear your thoughts! For those who haven’t, check it out right below the paragraph. I’m incredibly proud of how it looks since it felt like it took forever to finish, but now it’s done for, and people can, hopefully, admire the work put into this.
(it's a little more compressed than the actual thumbnail but it's all good)
Fourthly, I have a save selection screen as a WIP. I wanted to make this one night since I was tired of not seeing anything done for the menus, so I made this as a WIP since this was on my mind for the save slots. I wanted it to look more similar to Mario 64 paintings, but it shows where you are currently in the game, which I thought would be interesting.
Another small change was for the customization menu. I changed how players go to Characters, Chips, and Bytes by having the player focus and press the buttons rather than mapping controller buttons. This is to make room for team presets, which save the members you put onto your team, and you can load them in.
Next month, I’ll probably relax for a little (possibly a week) to rest for my mental health to improve. It hasn’t been doing well these past couple of weeks due to a LOT of Twitter drama that’s happened for a few weeks with certain individuals. So for a week or so, I’ll try to take a break from social media even though that’s a way for me to communicate with people asking questions or hyping themselves up on what’s to come. I’ve also been trying to look for a job which hasn’t been the best of luck to get, so… yeah, lol.
My ideas on what to progress are:
More attacks, maybe even blocking/parrying working, and actual damage happening
Lolbit’s model and perhaps others as well.
Miscellaneous progress is:
Dialogue animations
Loading screens
It doesn’t seem like a lot, but I want to give myself a one-week break which is a LOT of progress down the drain. Most of my focus will be attacks and Lolbit, so we’ll see what happens for the next devlog.