Month Report
Well, as i said before this month, school kept me busy, but even so i wanted to make the month report to also tell you all that luckily, the development will slowly start to get in rhythm again. This time that ive been not making much technical progress, i did made some creative progress, the story has advanced so much since the initial concept, and a lot of things were changed from that concept too, i dont think i can talk about any of it for now, but what i mean to say is, even if not much is said in a month report doesnt necesarily mean progress isnt being made. That said, once i finish the story completely or at least almost completely, i will start to try and contact people that could help with the more technical development rather than the creative one, programmers, musicians, maybe some extra artist, etc. Stay tuned to next update.
#lisathepainful #lisafangames #fangame #Monthreport #gamedev