Radio Horror Show

9 months ago

RHS Devlog 2 - About Void

It is now time to speak of the primary threat you'll be faced with in Radio Horror Show.

Void is a hardly perceptible being that typically resides on a plane of existence parallel to our own, the spectral plane, where departed spirits roam. It barely has a mind at all, and is akin to a gigantic wandering beast. Its true form is unknowable, but to the human senses, it can be seen as a gigantic skeletal being wrapped in a violet haze - though its glowing eyes are usually the last thing a person will see.

And much like an animal caught in a trap, when it's ensnared by the spectral anchor created by the ritual that started this mess, it quickly begins to grow agitated. It seeks to destroy anything it can find to free itself. Its very presence engulfs the immediate area in pitch black shadow, and eats away at the mind of any and all unfortunate souls in its way. If left for too long, it will drag the area and all within itself into the labyrinth of its own being, never to be seen again.

This has happened several times, tragedies spoken only in hushed voices, but still people try to perform the ritual again and again - grieving families wish to talk to a loved one, businessmen seek corporate secrets taken to the grave, all blind to the dire consequences of their actions, each believing they know the "right" way to perform the ritual, or simply being too desperate to stop themselves.

It is your goal to step in and prevent Void from absorbing these sites by freeing it before it resorts to that ultimatum, and before it can claim your mind as part of its abyssal form as well.

Unable to affect the physical plane, Void remains on the outskirts of the ritual-anchored zone, peering in to look for things it can affect - radio waves, light, and the psyche of anyone in the darkness. Avoid its gaze; if it can see you, it will quickly drain your psyche, able to claim your mind in oblivion in a matter of seconds. Turning your light off allows you to hide from it; make sure to do so if you run, as well, or it will simply follow you if it knows where you are.

Void isn't quiet about its presence; its piercing red eyes and monstrous breathing will alert you when it arrives. Obey these signs' warnings, and you may be able to escape.

Though its attack is deadly, there are those that claim that such a fate is not truly an end, and that there may yet be hope for those who Void has taken...

With Void also comes the rest of the hostile entities you'll need to deal with. They follow it for its ethereal warmth, losing their mind in exchange for comfort as they seek to destroy anything they deem as a threat to Void.

More on these entities will be detailed in future devlogs.

~ Tatters



Next up

Radio Horror Show Devlog 1 - What Is This Game?

All About Warped Realities!

Less than a month until Rhyme and the Silver Hourglass releases! If you missed it, this storybook adventure through time will be available on October 21st, 2022!

I'm happy to announce my latest game project, Radio Horror Show! A point-and-click arcade-style ghost hunting game, now in development!

RHS Devlog 4 - Many Twisted Fates Await

Character Spotlight: Ricky Echofried

RHS Devlog 3 - Menus & Stuff

Spent a chunk of today polishing some visuals for RHS, so I've updated the screenshots on the game page. New devlog with some enemy mechanic insight coming soon!

Contest Winners have been chosen! Thanks to those who participated! Winners, look forward to seeing these characters in the final game!

Happy Spooky Month from Rhyme!

20 Days til Release!