Hiya! It's been a little while.
I've been a bit busy over the last week, so I haven't had as much time to work on Radio Horror Show as I would've liked, but nonetheless I've been getting back on it now!
One thing I did manage to get done - I've got the menus looking nice and spiffy!

The main menu of the game allows you to, of course, access level select, as well as an extras menu, credits for the people that have helped me make this game possible, a settings menu, and the button that closes the game. All good things for a menu to have!
For a long while, the Level Select menu was just static images - this bothered me a bit. I wanted more interactivity, and scalability.
So, now it's got a nice arrow-button navigation system with the selected level in focus, front and center! And difficulty settings along the bottom, of course.
When you select a level, you'll see a screen detailing a bit more about the level you're getting into. The first time you enter a level in a session, I plan to have a controls screen also show up after you confirm to enter the level.
So the menus are looking pretty nice now!
The extras menu will have a couple of special things - unlockable trinkets with some story tidbits for you to find, through various in-game achievements, most prominently for completing each level. There'll also be an enemy guide for spirits you've already encountered, in case any mechanics aren't clear, and some Notes that will also be found in levels. The demo won't have a ton in the extras for now, but I've got plans for the full game!

As for in regular gameplay, I've also been working on the latest implemented enemy - Swarm. Unlike most threats that either follow you or move between rooms on their own whims, Swarm will stay put once it manifests. But, it'll begin to unleash Wisps into the area...
While moving around, you'll need to keep an eye out for its wisps. If you see one, quickly put it out - done by clicking on it. If too many are around, things'll start heating up, and you'll begin to take psyche damage each time another one spawns.
Swarm is the 8th (technically 9th) enemy programmed into the game! When I first started this project, I intended for all enemies to be active in all levels - but, with the scope of things and the chaos hard mode is already shaping up to be, I've decided that perhaps, some threats are best left exclusive to specific maps. Besides, that opens up some potential for gimmick interactions per map - fun stuff!
I hope you'll look forward to it!
~ Tatters