Radio Horror Show

7 months ago

RHS Devlog 4 - Many Twisted Fates Await

The entities that follow Void are far from benevolent, especially while it is trapped by the meddling of mortals. Each one has a unique way of ensnaring and dealing with the poor souls that it captures.

Similar to games such as Spooky's Jumpscare Mansion, this game features a custom death sequence for each enemy, showing the many, many twisted fates that await any unfortunate wanderer who happens into Void's clutches.

Fall into the noise of the darkness and follow Signal's call into oblivion...


Allow Mirage to find you via your light, and you may find yourself unable to move away...


Don't lose track of your surroundings, lest Plasm spirit you away into the abyss...


Count your blessings before missing Angler's cue and becoming trapped for their deadly musings...


Each of these sequences is unique, and more involved than a screenshot can do justice. But each also may have things to say, be they cryptic whispers of a former life, hints at Void's nature, or unknowable ramblings that are the last you hear... If you carry good fortune, you might yet dodge them all and succeed in your mission.

If you must meet an end, though, some say that submitting to Void directly may turn out to be your best hope at escaping...

The demo for Radio Horror Show is still on track for October 2024, featuring the first mission, the House, and all the enemies therein in the main three difficulty modes. Stay tuned!

~ Tatters



Next up

All About Warped Realities!

Character Spotlight: Ricky Echofried

Radio Horror Show Devlog 1 - What Is This Game?

Spent a chunk of today polishing some visuals for RHS, so I've updated the screenshots on the game page. New devlog with some enemy mechanic insight coming soon!

I'm happy to announce my latest game project, Radio Horror Show! A point-and-click arcade-style ghost hunting game, now in development!

Less than a month until Rhyme and the Silver Hourglass releases! If you missed it, this storybook adventure through time will be available on October 21st, 2022!

RHS Devlog 2 - About Void

RHS Devlog 3 - Menus & Stuff

Happy Spooky Month from Rhyme!

20 Days til Release!

Contest Winners have been chosen! Thanks to those who participated! Winners, look forward to seeing these characters in the final game!