Rotten Remains (Game Jam Build)

1 year ago

Rotten Remains Dev Log 3

Alright, so since it's been a bit since my last Dev Log, naturally a lot has happened in that span of time. To keep this Dev Log from being a huge mess, I'm going to cover bigger accomplishments within the games development rather than every single thing that's happened since the last update.

First thing I want to mention is a new workflow I discovered that'll make this games art be made a lot quicker. Instead of drawing objects and environments like I do for characters, I'm going to be 3d modeling them in Womp 3d and exporting the models as images. This allows me to use my models as pre-rendered backgrounds/sprites similar to the way older survival-horror games were made such as the first few games in the Resident Evil franchise.


Next major topic I want to bring up is character art. Basically I've just been redoing the player art + animations just to look a bit better and fit in more with the games premise. As of now I also have almost all of the enemy art drawn, just need to get them colored and animated.

Last major development within the game is an entire rework of the games opening. Don't really have much to add on to that so I'll just move on to the next section.

So that's all I've got for this Dev Log, sorry it took me so long to get one out over the past couple weeks. Hopefully I can maintain a more consistent schedule in the future. Thanks for reading! I'll leave you guys with some scrapped art I have laying around for the game:


(I'm not sure if I'm scrapping the image above, I'd like to use it but I just don't have anywhere to put it at the moment)

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Next up

Here's a better look at what the finalized environments will look like, there might be some edits here and there but I think I'm happy with how the lighting looks in this picture

New Game Page

Some environment art

Rotten Remains map comparison (Old: Left, New: Right)

Currently doing a live Dev Stream for Rotten Remains, feel free to join and ask questions!

Rotten Remains Devlog 2

Rotten Remains Update 2 Progress:

Updated Creature Design

New Map (Unfinished)

Filming starts Autumn, 1954