In terms of progress this week on the game, things have been going pretty smoothly. I actually have a release date in mind for the game, though I won't be sharing that information here. While the release date for the game is a realistic goal, I don't want to promise anything until the game is completely finished and I begin to focus more on marketing. Aside from that though, into this weeks Dev Log! (Also for those who didn't catch the last one, these paragraphs are organized into days. So what I completed on Monday will be one paragraph, Tuesday will be another).
First thing I was able to accomplish was a functional title screen. In it's current state, once you open the game you'll get a warning similar to the likes of Silent Hill, Signalis and the FNaF games. (Image showcased below, the background will probably be changed in the future to be animated).

Afterwards the game takes you to the title screen with some really rough visuals (These will of course be polished in the near future). I've been able to implement a play button that will take you to the actual game. I plan on adding settings and all the adjustable options near the end of the games development, for now though the title screen does what I need it to.
I then was able to fully draw and color some building sprites. I'm not really sure where I should put them But I'm bound to find some place in the game to use them.
The next thing that I finished doesn't sound like much but it's a huge step in the right direction in terms of nailing this games art and map layout. The main issue with this game hasn't been the programming, in fact that's probably the easiest part of this whole project. Making art and decorating the scenes that the player will go through has been the most time consuming part of Rotten Remains mostly due to the fact that I kind of just blindly made assets and tried to mash them together into one scene, the end results didn't look great at all. The strategy I developed was to block out the scene in my art program (Krita) to get a better idea of what assets I needed and where I would have to place them. Overall this first attempt at blocking out my map was pretty successful and was able to nail the atmosphere I've created for the project.
The next day was the start of a few new strategies as well. I don't think I've publicly stated this before but I draw all of my character art for the game on physical paper, I then color and animate the drawing digitally. As of Tuesday of this week however, I've started to make draw out random props for the game on paper as well and it's made the process of creating these assets go by a lot quicker. (For context, I prefer pencil and paper over digital art and I typically stuck to making more complicated designs such as a character all physically up until now). Along with that, I began work on a "cutscene" of sorts. It's not animated, it's more or less a still image that will be displayed when interacting with a certain object, so not exactly a cutscene but in the context of the game it could be interpreted as one.
The last few things I was able to do this week will all be combined into this paragraph. I was able to get some more object sprites finished and I ended up completing the map for the first major building that the player will go through in the game. I won't say what the building actually is but I will provide a picture (Shown below).

To cap off the week, I began work on the directional animations for the player. (The player character turning depending on what direction you move) As of now, I've started work on the left animation, currently finishing some coloring before I start animating.
Anyways, that's all I have left to share, thanks for reading!
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