2 years ago

Running same prompt on 6 different AI chatbots. (open source and not)

Prompt from this video:


I gave ChatGPT emotions
Like & SubscribeFull Prompt:Your name is emotional AI.Suppose there is a python function emotions() that takes responses an AI gets and converts them to perc...

Tested on:

1: ChatGPT - GPT-3.5

2: Open Assistant - based on LLaMA-30B

3: OpenChatKit - GPT-NeoX-20B

4: Jerma985 - maybe GPT-3 or 3.5

5: Bing AI - GPT-4

6: Open Assistant - based on pythia-12B



Next up

Happy birthday @rayaneboukadiri

AI-generated Minecraft-styled cake

Minetest world screenshot.

AI-generated Minecraft mug

(Using DeepFloyd IF model)

PythonForAGI - Python module to simulate AGI, imagined by AI model.

POV: Since You Using Microsoft Internet Explorer and You're Getting interested When You Saw The Rare and Unknown Advert Popups That You Not Seen This Before...

The most funniest Character AI conversation:

Minecraft mug generated using DeepFloyd IF model.

I wish all a merry Christmas and happy new year :)

Python3 module, imagined by AI. I just give name "Python3Animation".