[ Underswap ] The Kaboom

1 year ago

sandr o says hapy 1st june

Prid mont h

you should love yourslf now....


Thing for the ocassion, yummers



Next up

Dont leave us yet we're not doing the dusttrust cancellations references thing ( we're alive )

As much as I dont like a "core encounter" thing we're doing it anyways

[ Parmesan encounter - Some info ]


DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

So, with the sprite I posted 2 days ago, I decided to animate it into a short battle mockup thing

It was fun to make and I think the result looks cool aswell, meow


Sprites by Dendy Music " Symposium Magarum " from madoka magica



Since it's been a bit since I posted the last thing, take this peek of the intro of the core encounter or smth

Music by Torva, Blaster sprites by k0y and everything else by Dendy

There's more stuff behind but will keep it privat, now bye

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

[ Underswap: KABOOM ] PROGRESS REPORT - 2024 || New Year, new look 🌟