Hello ladies and gentlemen, paul here.
I was wondering for a couple of days if I should release the second demo at the end of the month or not, but I think I've made my mind up. The phone guy's VA stated to me he hasn't made any promises as to if he gets the new recordings done or not as he is very busy, which I understand; so there is no phone call for the third night as I don't want to use the original recording for it - you'll just have to figure out what to do for yourself. But if I manage to get the recordings in, I'll be sure to update the game - don't you worry.
This version adds Night 3 into the game, among some other changes of which you can find on this article. Hope you all understand, and if you are disappointed then I apologise. But anyway, thank you for reading and I wish you all a happy Halloween; stay safe. - paul
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