Greetings all,
As you're all painfully aware, Shrouded has been in the oven for almost 7 years due to various setbacks. To be honest, the prioritization could have been a lot smoother - plenty of iteration was done on lesser aspects of the game without forging ahead on the more critical aspects. In the past year, however, this has changed since the soft 'reboot' that occurred a while back.
My commitment for 2022 is to adopt the '80/20' model - that is, to focus primarily on the majority of the game that has the most importance (the 80%), and to finish tweaking and polish only when that's all said and done (the 20%). Yes, it's something I should have been doing all along, but with a rather busy life schedule outside of writing lines of code, there's been little I could have done up until this point. A little reflection was certainly in order to help plan ahead.
I apologize too, for my lack of 'social' interaction over Twitter, Facebook, Discord (RIP) and yes, even GameJolt too. I've just been busy working on the game itself - though I know there's a balance to strike between development and actually marketing/interacting with the game's audience simultaneously. Clearly, that's something I need to work on too.
In other news, you've probably seen my posts regarding the SSD failure - that nuked a lot of the game's raw assets, but thankfully it hasn't impacted development at all. The game's current build and the assets related to it are all kept intact thanks to GitHub, so things are still progressing smoothly I'm glad to report.
So... yeah! Thank you for the patience and faith in this project, and apologies for my lack of communication. I don't know how you put up with me, nor do I deserve it!
Stay savage,