
4 years ago

Shrouded | 'When It's Done'™ (Small Update)

Apologies for the lack of updates in recent times.

Despite the COVID-19 restrictions, I've been still quite busy with my day job. For those of you who don't know, I work 12 hour shifts at a Data Center. As it's an essential service, I haven't had the opportunity to work on the final parts of Shrouded lately.

Don't worry though - I have every intention of getting the game in your hands as soon as possible.

Sadly, you'll just have to bear with me and my hectic schedule for a little while longer.

Stay savage,




Next up

Old one, but eternally relevant. 🙃

I've been 10 Years on GameJolt apparently. Pretty crazy. Shrouded's probably been in development for that length of time too kek. #spawnday

Man, the feels.

Ooof! That poll was SO close. Care to elaborate on your thoughts/opinions regarding your preferred approach below?

Shrouded | Enhanced AI and new Sprite Work

Well... shit.

I'll have to dig through one of my remote systems. Might have an older archive of assets stored.

Like I said, the game's current build is intact thankfully - just the raw assets that are currently in the ether.

So, I bought a Master System for my collection. Thought I'd clean it up internally.

Never mind Sonic.EXE. Dead insects, corrosion and bird shit inside a SEGA console?

That's the real Creepypasta.

Time to fire up the engines (heh) and get back to work on Shrouded.

Shrouded | Visual Overhaul and Upcoming Plans!

Shrouded | The Three 'L's