Don't Die: Cyberlife

6 years ago

Skills, Skills, Skills, Skills... and more Skills!

Hello everybody! I know… this should have been posted two days ago. But you know how that stuff works; twenty-four hours is too short of a time to do everything in just one day. So I’m here today to share with you everything that was done the last week. Here we go:


Let me ask you, what’s the best way to deliver Skills for a player than using Skill Trees? Well, mostly every single other! That’s why I’ve decided to give the player a Skill Tree. I mean, I might change that in the short term and think my way through some more interesting way of doing so, but let’s keep it simple for now.

To give the player points for those Skills I needed some item system that allowed me to do so. So I came up with the Debris. Basically, when an enemy dies it drops a bunch of Debris, which the player can collect for his spaceship to study and improve basic stats and give the player some Skill Points. There’s nothing much crazy about that.


So, as you can see in here, I added a bunch of Skills to the player last week. As I already said, there are chances of me swapping this overused Skill Tree idea by something cooler and more immersive. I mean… I’m not saying that any game’s Skill Trees are bad or anything (I really like Plague Inc.’s way of handling it, for instance). It’s just that there are way too many games already using that method. I wanna do something different if possible.

I could really go in-depth on that topic, but let’s save that for a Multiple Game Styles blog post, shall we?

Now the player can Dash, Hyper-Dash, activate a Shield, use an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) and even become a Black Hole! I mean, it was named Singularity. Also, he can be a White Hole (White Singularity). It’s not the complete opposite of a black hole, but still, it’s different.

The player can also use a bunch of different ammunition now. Like, Standard Projectiles, Heavy Projectiles, Cannon Balls and even Boomerangs, which are essentially razor-sharp projectiles with the shape of a Boomerang. I added a Laser Beam too.

And I implemented all of the bombs on the game. There are even antimatter bombs on it. You should check out the complete Skills list on Don’t Die’s Trello board.


As buggy as he is, Cyberlord came together just like a pile of glued together rocks and debris do. He fell apart the same way as the pile does when it hits the ground. The AI is so goddamn buggy that I lost my patience and saved it for later on. I only need to fix him, but I’ll do that on the balancing time.

This Week

We may be half-way through the week already, but still, I have a lot of stuff to add to the game here.

Here’s the TO-DO:

  • Skills - I have to finish ‘em all!!!

  • Skill Tree - Only God knows if I’m really implementing that or if I’m doing something else.

  • Sound Effects - All SFX, or most of them, will be done this week.

  • AI Improvements - I mean, why not? I’m making the game feel more alive.

  • Level Selector - Who knows? I may not be able to add it this week still.

Well, that’s it for today’s devlog. I’ve done basically everything I hoped to do last week, and this week will not be different. Thanks for reading.



Next up

Devlog 1 - Soundtrack and Bosses

Devlog 2 - Soundtrack, Final Bosses and Juicing

Hello, hello! Testing; 1, 2, 3... Well, I guess Sound Effects are working now!

I'm trying to finish the planets' configurations, but my game ain't making it easy. As soon as I'm done I'll make a post on the game's page! Meanwhile, enjoy this image of Vulram, a moon in the game.

Oh well, it was about time that I added a working Controls tab to the game's pause menu.

End of OST, Enemies, and the beginning of Sound Effects, Skills, and Inventory.

Singularity: A TERRIBLE Skill Implementation Idea.

Two Weeks of Game Dev in ten lines. This is what happened!

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^

Have a good Boi