A few set backs delayed progress, mostly in writing on the C++ side of things.
One reason I have long since avoided C was do to its complexity and touchy nature. That and I like having results quickly.
Evaldraw is an excellent helper tool though, so I can at least make sure functions work before I port them.
File handling in C is a little new to me, and was the cause of my delays in advancing. Luckily a co-worker whose pretty decent at C help me solve the last part of a problem I had in reading text files. Apparently I set my counting variables with something I shouldn’t, making them not count and leaving the program in an infinite loop. Thats hopefully solved, I’ll have to test it out tonight.
This is all involving a resource list file, simple text file with the names of models and sections for each type, walls, floor/ceilings and objects for now. Other resources will be added later on like music, sound and entity models.
On the Evaldraw version(the one that’s been featured as the demo) I’ve made a few minor improvements to range checking, adding a simple point distance calculating function. Currently I’m working on a proximity checker for object interaction.
Also it seem’s Ken has found the means to have EvalDraw produce EXE files, so hopefully in the future I can see how this handles in QuickPlay, and will no longer require a BAT file to run the program.
This will mean I most likely will stop providing EvalDraw with future demo’s, but the source code(KC file) will still be included.
I’ve also ran a bug in the map maker, its setting object type indices 1 value to low.
Aside from that, I’m working on adding a real time zoom for the map maker, which is almost done. After that I need to finish up the stair placement code so you can set destinations.
Hopefully soon I can start working on basic object interaction and user set teleports between maps.
Stay tuned…